Acupuncture is a highly specialised alternative medical treatment with more and more people turning to this tradition in order to treat any pain or tension they are experiencing in the body.
Moving away from typical medical therapies, acupuncture is quite a unique method in medicine, using no drugs but the power of the vibrating needle. Need-le we say more? Low and behold, here are the top 3 best acupuncturists Queensland has the pleasure of offering.
3 Best Acupuncturists in Queensland
#1 New Leaf Clinic
New Leaf Clinic is owned by beloved acupuncturist, John-Paul Davies who is a highly qualified expert in the field with a Master of Health Science from RMIT University in his backhand. It has become his passion to cater to anyone looking to improve their health status ranging from a back injury to a numbing migraine.
Davies has over a decade of experience in the health care field, with a background as a registered nurse, making his service unique and well-rounded. He looks at finding the root cause, without give you any drop of medicine whatsoever.
If you are wanting to make permanent life changes, New Life Clinic is your go-to alternative therapy, allowing you to relieve any aches and tensions within your body. For a treatment with a little more punch-t, here is the best alternative therapy clinic on offer.
#2 Elevate Acupuncture
Next going up to the plate is Elevate Acupuncture, your one-stop service for all things alternative health and wellness. The incredibly experienced staff are dedicated to get rid of all the knots to make sure you are at your best wellbeing possible.
All of their team’s health journeys together have helped to teach each other the unique nature of all individuals own health. They are passionate about promoting self-love rather than hatred, knowing just how important it is to take care of yourself.
#3 Qi For Life Acupuncture
Qi For Life Acupuncture is third on the list of the top acupuncturists in Queensland. Their team are highly passionate about Traditional Chinese Medicine, making sure the whole body is looked after. Whatever the issue is they can handle it.
They are the experts to go to bring your body back to its most harmonious state. Music will definitely be ringing with Qi For Life on your side or should we say, your backside?